Ami L. Ai, PhD

Dr. Ai smiling in a dark purple blouse with black blazer and silver necklace against a grey background

Amy L. Ai, PhD, is Distinguished Research Professor, Florida State University. Her interdisciplinary research focuses on gerontology, long-term survival from open-heart surgery, existential crises, spirituality, trauma/resilience, cultural diversity, and human strengths. She is Fellow of the AASWSW, APA (Divisions 20/Aging, 36/Spirituality, 38/Health Psych, and 56/Trauma), APS, and GSA, John-Hartford Geriatric Faculty Scholar, Fulbright Scholar, and a Delegate to the 2005 White House Conference on Aging. She is PI/Co-PI on several funded projects over past decades. She serves as a scientific reviewer for national, international, and private funding agencies (e.g., US DOS/DOD/DHHS, NIH, PICORI, and governmental funders of Austria, Canada, Israel, and U.K). Dr. Ai has authored 150+ research articles, and a seminal tool book, Assessing Spirituality in a Diversified World. (2021/peer-reviewed).